The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Cane Creek Farm veggies are available
Hello Cane Creek Farm community,
We have some veggies available this week, though the days are different than the previous CSA days. It just works better for me to decide on Monday what I have and let you know on Tuesday. If you have problems with the Friday pick up times, let me know and we will try to work something out. Be sure you get your order in before the deadline.
You can go to the website and order now. Look at the quantity to make sure there is some still available. You can go ahead and order even if it shows 0, and I will provide them if they are available. Knowing the amount ahead of time is not an exact science.
If you do not pay ahead with a credit card, please come prepared to pay by check or with exact amount of cash.
You will find your order in the store cooler with your name on it.
Order some fresh vegetables to make your time at home more enjoyable.